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Environmental quality label: delivery of the first certificates to the new members

The pathway which led to the implementation of the label closed its first phase with the delivery of the certificates and related documents to the new System's members

(Riomaggiore, 13 August 2015)

The facilities will be able to show their Italian and foreign customers the certificates in order to prove their active participation in the environmental management, which is carried out through the implementation of eco-friendly behaviors that can mitigate their impacts on the territory, such as the water and energy consumption, the waste generation and the use of detergents, promoting the offer of local and seasonal products.
The implementation of the label has been started through several meetings open to all the economic operators of the territory and to the local associations; then it continued with the gathering of new members and with the visits to the facilities. (Read more in Italian)

Environmental quality label: delivery of the first certificates to the new members
Environmental quality label: delivery of the first certificates to the new members
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Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
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