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Nature Itinerary

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Panorama Great Interest: Religion Great Interest: Archeology Great Interest: Hystory 
  • Departure: Monterosso
  • Arrival: Monterosso
  • Forward time:  3 hour/s 45 minutes
  • Return time: 3 hour/s 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
  • Length: 10.88 km
  • Difference in height: 322m

The itinerary "Natura" sets off from Monterosso railway station, going westbound along the promenade of Fegina until it takes the stairway uphill part of trail 590-SVA, nearby the statue called "Il Gigante", heading north-west, first on a stairway, then on stretch of paved road. Near the junction leading to Hotel Bellevue, still within the Mediterranean scrub, the trail keeps going uphill alternating flights of steps and dirt track, until the intersection with the SVA branch to Levanto and 591. A few meters before the intersection, following the track of 590-SVA, there are the ruins of the hermitage of Saint Anthony at Mesco, a remarkable observation point.

Nature Itinerary
Nature Itinerary
(photo by: PN Cinque Terre)

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Tourist, Hiking, Skilled, Closed

After the intersection the trail continues almost flat, first among strawberry trees (Arbutus unedo), then through a pinewood spoilt by the plant disease Matsucoccus. With some steep ups and downs the trail runs along the slope of Mount Focone (also known as Vè) reaching the hill pass of Colla Bagari where the vegetation that grows among the rocks includes different shrubs and herbs such as thyme. From here the trail ascends northbound through a wood of holm oaks and pine trees, and reaches an altitude of 450 meters a.s.l. before climbing steeply down toward Colla di Gritta where it meets the provincial road SP 38 to Cinque Terre - Pignone.
The trail shares a long stretch with the paved road SP 38 toward the Sanctuary of Soviore (482 meters a.s.l.). Nearby the church some ancient cypress can be observed. 
The descent to the village of Monterosso starts from the Sanctuary's forecourt along trail 509. The path soon gets steep as it climbs down through a wood of holm oaks. Some stretches of uneven dirt track alternate to stairs until reaching the paved road to Monterosso. After crossing the road the trail keeps descending among Mediterranean scrub and citrus groves, ending at the intersection with the paved road at the upper part of the village of Monterosso.



Points of Interest:

  • Localities crossed: Monterosso, Fegina, Mesco, Colla Bagari, Colla di Gritta, Sanctuary of Soviore 
  • Archaeological evidence: Ancient remains of the original church of Soviore
  • Architectural, historical and artistic Beauties: Statue called "il Gigante", Villa Pastine, Hermitage of Saint Anthony at Mesco, abandoned military building "Semaforo" 
  • Services and shops: Monterosso, Sanctuary of Soviore (seasonal)
  • Points of water: Monterosso, Sanctuary of Soviore

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Please remember that hiking on Cinque Terre National Park trails requires good weather, suitable shoes, and adequate training.
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© 2024 Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre
Via Discovolo snc - c/o Stazione Manarola
19017 Riomaggiore (SP) - CF 01094790118
Tel. +39 0187/762600 - Fax +39 0187/760040
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