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Frequently Asked question

In this section you will find a series of answers to frequently asked questions posed by users and visitors. For convenience, we have divided into LAND and SEA the two areas for which the National Park and Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area is the manager.

If you don't find what you are looking for, write to: info@parconazionale5terre.it
We will try to give an answer in a short time and if your question will be considered of public utility will be included in this section.

LAND (Cinque Terre National Park)

1) When is the Park open?
The Park occupies an area of 3,860 hectares, with a population of about 4,000 inhabitants, includes the three municipalities of Cinque Terre (Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Monterosso al Mare) and a part of the municipalities of La Spezia (Tramonti area) and Levanto (Mesco area) of unpopulated territory.
Boundaries are not fenced: the territory can be freely visited in compliance with the regulations at any time and day of the year.

2) Is reservation required to access the Park Area?
There is no reservation to access the Park Area and the entrance doesn't have a limited number of accesses.

3) What is Cinque Terre Card?
Visitors to the Park can use a service card called "Cinque Terre Card" which offers a number of attractions and benefits to best enjoy the area, including: access to SVA hiking trail (Blue Green Trail, ex n.2), thematic hiking tours with guide "Cinque Terre Walking Parco" e "Parco Letterario E. Montale", use of train and bus to move between villages, information materials, wi-fi in reception centers, free use of toilets in the villages of the Cinque Terre and much more.
Link to the Cinque Terre Card services and tariffs

4) Where can I buy Cinque Terre Card?
Cinque Terre Card can be purchased online or at the Welcome Centers located in the Railway Stations of the villages of Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare, including La Spezia, Levanto and Riomaggiore in the locality of Lavaccio, where it is also possible to find information materials and advice on itineraries and local products.

5) Via dell'Amore (The Way of Love), how can we access the first stretch from Riomaggiore?
Following the reopening of the first 160-metre stretch of the Via dell'Amore (The Way of Love) from Riomaggiore, the Municipality of Riomaggiore has launched, until 30 September, the experimental access mode with guided tour booking at 5 euros on the platform www.viadellamore.info
Access to the stretch scheduled from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. is not included in the Cinque Terre Card Treno and Trekking Services

6) Are trails of the Cinque Terre paid?
The access rights to the Park, through the purchase of Cinque Terre Card, are required exclusively for the use of the SVA hiking trail (Blue Green Trail, ex n.2)

7) What are the walkable trails of the Park?
The Park guarantees the practicability of the Cinque Terre trails included in the REL, the Ligurian Hiking Network:a rich network of hiking trails that develops for over 120 kilometers with coastal routes, ridges and related vertical connecting arteries. This wealth of paths allows you to appreciate and visit the whole territory thanks to hiking itineraries with different difficulties and points of interest: nature, wine landscape, history, culture and spirituality.
All trails can be consulted on Cinque Terre Hiking Guide

8) Is there an app for smartphones and tablets with the description of the trails?
The app with Cinque Terre Hiking Guide can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play

9) What is the best way to reach the Park?
The best means of transport to reach Cinque Terre is the train. Routes are frequent and very short, local trains stop at all the Cinque Terre stations: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. The terminus is La Spezia, on the Pisa-Genoa line, where all long-distance trains stop. Timetable www.trenitalia.com/tcom-en
It's possible to use Cinque Terre Card Treno starting from La Spezia or Levanto. The Cinque Terre can also be reached by car, even if it's not recommended due to the difficult orography and the difficulty of parking.

10) What is the best way to move around in the Park?
Inside the Park it is possible to experiment an integrated and sustainable mobility, thanks to the rich trail network and to the comfortable railway line that connects all 5 villages of the Cinque Terre.
In addition to this there are buses * that connect each village of the Cinque Terre to the hamlet. Use of the bus is free for Cinque Terre Card holders
Bus timetables updated

*Thanks to the bus service it is possible to reach the starting points of excursions and places of particular value such as the Marian Sanctuaries of Cinque Terre.

11) Where can I stay in the Park?
The Park Authority joined Environmental Quality Label 2.0 - ECST Phase II to support tourism businesses in a common path to improving environmental performance. Those who wish to stay in the Cinque Terre can choose from a broad list of accommodation facilities that have undertaken, together with the Park, a quality pathway which respects the environment and the local identity.


12) I would like to work for the Park, how can I do?
The Park is a public body under private law; access to jobs is done through a public competition. We advise you to check the presence of competitions in the Transparent Administration section.
For proposals on cooperation, please write to protocollo@parconazionale5terre.it

13) What to do in an emergency?
In case of accidents on the paths, direct sightings of a forest fire, landslide and other disasters, follow the instructions provided by contacting the national emergency numbers. 

Single European emergency number 112, receives all the emergency calls and pass them to Carabinieri, Police, Fire Department and medical emergency.

14) Can I camp inside the Park?
It is not possible to camp freely in the Park and there are no equipped areas.

15) Are overflighting with helicopters and drones allowed?
To request overflight authorisation, even by drones, it is necessary to send to the Protocol Office the appropriate forms compiled according to downloadable regulation, following the path:
Home » Park Authority » Activity of the Park Authority » Overflight authorisations
PDF RegulationPDF 

16) Can I bring my dog on the trails?
Dogs must always be held on a leash. They can not move freely around the Park, because they could encounter wildlife that, even if not directly attacked by the animal, could suffer a great deal of stress or create safety problems, especially on very narrow and steep trails.

17) Can we collect flowers, plants and fruits?
No. In the territory of the National Park it is forbidden to collect and damage spontaneous flora, except in case of requirement related with the maintenance of traditional agricultural activities. Grazing and harvesting of undergrowth products are allowed, in compliance with regulations, civic uses and local regulations. For picking mushrooms it is necessary to respect the rules for the discipline of mushroom picking in the Cinque Terre National Park.

18) When it rains, are the paths walkable?
In case of rain the trails of the Cinque Terre become particularly slippery and difficult to walk down even for people with good hiking practice. In case of bad weather, the Park Authority advises against taking any type of excursion.

In the event of a Yellow, Orange and Red alert state declared by the Civil Protection Service of the Liguria Region, self-protection measures are actived according to the the civil protection plans of the municipalities of Riomaggiore, Vernazza and Monterosso.
In the event of Orange and Red alert state, the Park Authority interrupts the sale of Cinque Terrre Card, keeping the information points at the entrance of the SVA trail from Corniglia to Vernazza and from Vernazza to Monterosso.

19) Is it allowed to feed the wildlife?
No. Wildlife is unavailable state property, therefore the care of injured or debilitated animals is entrusted to public bodies responsible for the purpose and not to private initiative.

SEA (Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area)

1) What is a Marine Protected Area?
The Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area
was established with a decree of the Ministry of Environment of December 12th, 1997, and it includes the municipalities of Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Monterosso and a small part of Levanto. The establishment of the Marine Protected Areas is provided by two national laws: Regulations for the safeguard of the sea (no. 979 of December 31st, 1982) and Framework Law on Protected Areas (no. 394 of December 6th, 1991).
The purpose of the Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area, which includes two A-Zones of integral natural reserve and 2 B-Zones of general natural reserve in Punta Mesco and Capo Montenero, is to protect and enhance the natural, chemical and physical characteristics and the marine as well as coastal biodiversity, also and especially through environmental recovery measures, with the collaboration of the academic and scientific world.

2) What are the coordinates that define the Protected Area?

PDF Coordinates Marine Protected Area

Map of the Marine Protected Area

3) How can I apply for AUTHORIZATIONS to carry out the activities permitted in the Marine Protected Area from the Cinque Terre" Marine Protected Area Implementing Regulation?
The interested parties must submit an application to the Protocol Office, by filling the appropriate forms and attaching the documentation required by the PDF Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area Implementing Regulation.
The annual authorizations must be delivered by hand to the Protocol office, via Discovolo snc, at the Railway Station offices, from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12:30 am or sent in a sealed envelope to the same address.

Request annual authorizations

Online issue of day authorizations

PDF Charges schedule

Summary of activities permitted in the Marine Protected Area and related regulations

4) Who can apply for annual authorizations?

RESIDENT: Resident in a Municipality falling within the Marine Protected Area (Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Monterosso al mare, Levanto)
EQUIVALENT: Holder of dwelling in a Municipality falling within the Marine Protected Area or having resided for at least 10 years in one of them at the date of entry into force of the Disciplinary Regulations 20 July 2011
NON-RESIDENT: Not resident in a municipality falling within the Marine Protected Area

5) Is bathing allowed within the Marine Protected Area?
Yes, it is allowed freely in the Zone B (partial reserve) and C (general reserve)

6) With which type of craft can I access the Marine Protected Area?
Access to the Marina Area is not allowed for recreational craft (LFT> 24 meters)
In Zone C the navigation is allowed freely (without authorization) to swimmers (LFT <10 meters) and boats (LFT <24)
In Zone B, navigation is allowed with authorization to swimmers (LFT <10 meters) and boats (LFT <24)
In Zone A navigation is allowed only to residents and equivalent, subject to authorization, exclusively for rowing, pedals, sailing.

6) Is it possible to fish in the Marine Protected Area?
In Zone C recreational and sport fishing is allowed, prior authorization, to NON residents, exclusively from the ground. (Article 26 paragraph 10 of the Implementing Regulation)
Also in Zone C, for RESIDENTS and EQUIVALENT, sport fishing is allowed, with prior authorization, both from the ground and from the craft (Article 26 paragraph 8)
In Zone B sport and recreational fishing is allowed, prior authorization, ONLY to residents (Article 26 paragraph 7)

7) Is underwater fishing allowed in the Marine Protected Area?
Underwater fishing is forbidden all over the Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area.
8) Is it possible to dive in the Marine Protected Area?
It is possible dive alone, prior authorization, in ZONE B and in Zone C from 1 May to 31 October of each year. (Article 18 paragraph 2 and 4 of the regulation). It is also possible dive by contacting Authorized Diving Centre
Underwater itineraries and Authorized Diving center

9) Is it allowed to anchor in the Marine Protected Area?
Anchoring is allowed, prior authorization, both annual and daily, in areas identified by the Authority in Zone C.

10) Is it allowed to moor in the Marine Protected Area
The mooring of recreational craft is allowed, prior authorization, in Zone C and in Zone B, both daily and yearly, to the buoys prepared by the Park Authority.

PDF Map of mooring points

At what speed of navigation can I go inside the Marine Protected Area?
In Zone b, navigation is allowed at a speed not exceeding 5 knots in displacement; in Zone C navigation is allowed at a speed not exceeding 5 knots within 300 meters from the coast and not more than 10 knots over 300 meters from the coast

12) What to do in case of emergency at sea?
In case of need, call the emergency number 1530, of the Port Authority: free and active 24 hours a day throughout the national territory.

13) What if we see sea turtles and dolphins?
Observe without disturbing them, better with binoculars; do not get too close to them; reduce the speed or stop the engine; avoid diving near. If we believe they are injured or dead, notify the Port Authority. To send photos and sightings reported, write to info@parconazionale5terre.it

© 2024 Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre
Via Discovolo snc - c/o Stazione Manarola
19017 Riomaggiore (SP) - CF 01094790118
Tel. +39 0187/762600 - Fax +39 0187/760040
E-mail: info@parconazionale5terre.it
PEC: pec@pec.parconazionale5terre.it
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
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