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Certifications, Label, Sustainability

Means to improve the environmental performance of Park Authority and Companies

The Park's commitment to preserving a unique landscape heritage, encouraging responsible tourism and a traditional economy distinctive of the territory, materialises in the adoption of integrated projects linked to sustainability issues.

In 2014, the Park obtained the certification of its environmental management system according to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 14001, preparatory to the EMAS registration (Eco Management an Audit Scheme) of the Park's ecosystem services.

The Park has also adopted some means aimed at sharing its strategy for managing the environmental and cultural heritage of the territory with local stakeholders, such as:

  • The Sustainability Report which contributes to making the activities of the Park transparent towards the resident community, building a relationship of trust and permanent dialogue with it.

  • European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST), recognition obtained by the Park in 2015, a methodological tool to improve the management of sustainable tourism in Protected Areas. The heart of the Charter is collaboration between the public and private sectors and the sharing of a strategy for the environment, the population, local businesses and visitors.

As envisaged in the ECST Phase II, the Park certifies in collaboration with Federparchi Europarc, the protected area companies that demonstrate their concrete commitment to sustainability and enhancement of identities as indicated by the System of Accession Environment label 2.0 - ECST Phase II, Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area - Local tourist enterprises ( Environmental Quality Label, ECST Phase II)

© 2025 Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre
Via Discovolo snc - c/o Stazione Manarola
19017 Riomaggiore (SP) - CF 01094790118
Tel. +39 0187/762600 - Fax +39 0187/760040
Tourist information: infopoint@parconazionale5terre.it
PEC: pec@pec.parconazionale5terre.it
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
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