Environmental Management System
In a perspective which involves the local governments and other private and public subjects, the Authority means to implement district environmental policies aimed at the integrated management of the territory, adopting all the tools useful to increase the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the businesses and of the institutions.
By using the instruments for the voluntary certification such as the Quality Mark of the accommodation facilities and of the restaurants, it is intended to implement actions to boost the spread of a culture of quality which represents and protects the territory's identity and typicality, and to encourage sustainable behaviors aimed at improving the environmental performances and at making all the subjects living in the territory feel responsible.
In such a background the Park Authority launched an initiative for the realization of the Environmental Management System (SGA is the Italian acronym) in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 certification, with the main purpose to pursue the ongoing improvement of the environmental performances, guaranteeing a continuous check of the actions in the environmental field, both when defining the goals and in the implementation phase. The Park Authority intends to equip itself with an efficient tool for the management of its own activities by applying a system able to control and manage the direct and indirect activities of the Park having significant impacts on the territory.
Approval of the Environmental PolicySea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.)
(photo by: Silvia Olivari)