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Forestry CTA

Territorial Coordination for Environment (CTA) of the State Forestry Corps

The surveillance in the territories of the natural protected areas of national and international significance is entrusted to the state Forestry Corps which works through the Territorial Coordination for Environment (CTA), having its headquarters in Monterosso al Mare, which the headquarters of the State Forestry Corps within the Park refer to.

The ways the CTAs of the State Forestry Corps complete their tasks come from the framework law on the protected areas No. 394/91. The Decree of the Prime Minister of July 5th, 2002 gave a detailed indication of the facilities, the personnel and the functions of the Forestry Corps that had to be located in the Park Authorities' headquarters.
Besides the tasks of the State Forestry Corps, each CTA carries out the surveillance and the conservation of the protected natural heritage, guaranteeing the respect of the regulation and of the plan of the Park.

Its main tasks are:

  • update of the wine register of the "Cinque Terre" DOC and "Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà" designations
  • monitoring and check of the DOC "Cinque Terre" and "Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà" wines
  • support for the activities for the monitoring of the building practices
  • support and collaboration for the drafting of the regulations concerning the natural heritage
  • path surveillance service
  • didactic support for nature visits
  • environmental training courses
  • data supply
  • documentation and assessment for the writing of the Plan regarding the  prediction, prevention and fight against the fires in the woods of the Cinque Terre Park
  • census of the monorails and of the fire facilities
  • collaboration for the creation of the laboratory of the herbs
  • collaboration for the making of documentaries
  • support for the activities of selective felling.

In addition to these activities there are those carried out by the State Forestry Corps, such as:

  • Judicial and Administrative Police activity
  • Public Policy services
  • Anti-poaching activities
  • community monitoring of the Forest Ecosystem
  • drafting of the national inventory of the forests and of the carbon reserves
  • participation to events.

And those carried out by the Region Liguria, such as:

  • Monitoring of the regularity of the tree cutting
  • implementation of the regional plan for the fight against fires
  • census of the Monumental Trees
  • drafting of the Vegetation Card
  • check of the forest plant diseases.

A precious and continuous prevention and intervention activity, combined with the respect for environment, responds to the ambitious project of improving the conditions of both human beings and nature.
Also the Wood Fire Volunteers collaborate with the CTA of the State Forestry Corps.

State Forestry Corps

CTA - Coordinamento Territoriale per l'Ambiente (Territorial Coordination for Environment)
Cinque Terre National Park
Headquarter in Monterosso al Mare
Ph. +39 0187/818270
Fax +39 0187/818977
E-mail: cta.cinqueterre@corpoforestale.it
Website: http://digilander.libero.it/CTACINQUETERRE/

Station headquarter - Via Litoranea, 801
Ph. +39 0187/760031
Fax +39 0187/762201
E-mail: cs.riomaggiore@corpoforestale.it

Website of the State Forestry Corps: www.corpoforestale.it
Environmental emergency: 1515
Fire prevention toll-free number: 800 807 047 
© 2025 Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre
Via Discovolo snc - c/o Stazione Manarola
19017 Riomaggiore (SP) - CF 01094790118
Tel. +39 0187/762600 - Fax +39 0187/760040
Tourist information: infopoint@parconazionale5terre.it
PEC: pec@pec.parconazionale5terre.it
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
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